We can do the “Harlem Shake”! Aka “just another normal weekend”…

When a friend comes to town for a short visit over the weekend, all sorts of things end up happening that normally wouldn’t. For instance, me dragging my butt out to several places over only two nights… IN THE COLD!!! (almost unheard of!) The highlight of the weekend, however, was taking part in one of Prague’s “Harlem Shake” videos (at the end). Here’s how it all went:

1. Friday night, March 8. International women’s day. We made it to KU Bar for the UNYP party simply for the lols. I was surprised that only a couple of years after I graduated I only recognized maybe 2-3 people in total! We then spent 10 minutes waiting in the queue to M1, ditched the idea, went to Nebe on Vaclavske nam. but they had some weird graduation party going on, checked out Beer Factory but it was closed, so we snacked at the KFC and headed home :).

2. On Saturday we met up with a bunch of people and went to Nebe on Kremencova.

The perpetrators 🙂

Acting normal… for now!

Photobombing 😀

My precioussssss!!!!! This is where it all got a bit out of hand… Julia and her friend ordered the MAXI Mojito not knowing HOW big it was :). We all had to help them out with it and in the meantime I ended up in a massive ice fight with one of the party crew… Ah, the joys of good company!

Heeeeere, kity, kitty, kitty!

I vant to suk ur blooooood!!!!!


Just kidding… Everything’s cool…

3. When most of the party people headed back home, we decided to see what else is out there and walked all the way to Radost… It was empty by the time we got there (of course), but at least we got a bit of r’n’b down the system and made a pit stop at McD’s on the way :).

(Radost pictures (c) SoulTrain Weekender)

We have arrived!

The coolest girls in the club

Sarah and Julia

Gettin’ the groove on! (Whoever was the DJ that night at 4am should probably quit cutting every song after 10 seconds… Seriously… Just when you get into a song, he switched – aggggrrrrhhh!!!)

LOLLL we spent so much I had to tak e a rickshaw job on Vaclavak! 😀 😀 😀 (Not really – this was taken the following Tuesday after ballet class, I just like the picture 😀 )

4. Forcing ourselves to get up way too early for the organisms’ liking, we did a 15-minute express raid of my closet to find props for the Harlem Shake Prague, Lavka edition! It was a wonderful, sunny, warm day and we were happy to spend it outside during the filming!

Just a regular outfit… 😀

We have arrived… Since we had plenty of time before the filming, we were taking funny pictures along the way 🙂

Shower tiiiime!


SuperWitch impersonation FAIL 😀

Inspired by the Harlem Shake theme 🙂

Riding it!


At some point a group of Italian guys showed up, asking us what was going on. We took a million pictures with them (on their phones) and ended up recruiting them for the Harlem Shake 😀


The Pope in action :). When the filming started, he was the one who began the video

Discussing whether or not the Italians should look at the Pope as he walks in…

The Pope was joined by an Indian and the girl we talked into participating 😀 (She originally just came to watch)

Finally, everyone was in the picture 🙂

Final pictures before we left to get breakfast/lunch


There is a lot of fun stuff that didn’t get into the final cut, as usual, but we spent a lovely time in the sunshine having some silly fun – and that’s exactly what matters 🙂


About in shade

A cocktail of personality traits hard to digest for some but ultimately soothing for those who can. I observe, enjoy, travel, interact, photograph, dance, contemplate, write and love my way through this life's countless occurrences. This blog is a way to share with the world and its people some of the treasures they give me every day.
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