Just another manic Wednesday…

Let’s just say a whole week of the Prague Zouk Congress was partially to blame for everything… After all, I had in total 7 people crash over at my place during the week and the last of them left on Wednesday early morning. In other words, no wonder I slightly overslept… Until about 2pm :).

As a consequence, I had only two hours left to clean up the entire apartment, wash the dishes and pack. I don’t think I ever did a full-house clean-up (including floor-washing) with such speed before! I managed almost everything from the list, although I forgot to pack a few useful items in a rush, but I think I did well granted I basically had 5 minutes to collect some remotely relevant clothes items from all around the house and throw them into the micro-suitcase. How I managed to take my phone and camera chargers is still a mystery to me!

I was expecting a guest at the house and Sinclair was supposed to drop by… My phone, however, had other plans for me – it was on, but didn’t accept any calls or texts! I learned about it from a Facebook message from Sinclair who let me know he was under my door a few minutes before and now was having a beer nearby… The phone started to behave well again after I switched it off and on… Finally, I managed to let everyone in – in the middle of running around like crazy and trying to find things :).

Running only 15 minutes late on estimated time of leaving the house, I rushed out and made it just 10 minutes late to the free Zouk lesson we were supposed to give with Sinclair. That seemed to have gone well, then I rushed to the airport – for no good reason, as it turned out, as the flight was delayed for 2 hours… Had I known that, I would’ve dropped back into the apartment before going to the airport to properly pack, but oh well…

Finally I made it to Tel Aviv. At the passport control the lovely lady was not in the best of moods. She asked me about the print out of the return ticket (which I, of course, didn’t have… Why, too, for an electronic ticket?). I was then asked to go to a ‘room over there’ and wait… In the ‘room over there’ another lady asked me a few questions. I asked her if it was necessary to have a ticket print-out at all times, she was surprised… She then gave back my passport and I went through.

Caught a train to Tel Aviv, then a taxi to the apartment and finally the full-day-crazy-rush was over.

So here I am in Tel Aviv. It’s kind of cold and windy – just the way I ‘like’ it… Although in a couple of days it should be hot again… I hope! I came here hoping to warm up!


About in shade

A cocktail of personality traits hard to digest for some but ultimately soothing for those who can. I observe, enjoy, travel, interact, photograph, dance, contemplate, write and love my way through this life's countless occurrences. This blog is a way to share with the world and its people some of the treasures they give me every day.
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